Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gone With the Wind

About a month ago I picked up Gone With the Wind at a little, hole in the wall book store in Cambria. When I started it I told my husband that I was reading it, not out of any sense of it being a book that as an English teacher I should read, but rather out of a sense of obligation as a girl who likes to read. And after reading it I still feel any girl who enjoys reading, must read this book. It has quickly become one of my favorite books, and as much as you despise Scarlet at times, you can't help but admire her "gumption," which in the end becomes her only redemption. As you read the book it becomes apparent that it is much more than just the story of Scarlet's perseverance and ultimately her redemption, but the the perseverance and redemption of the Confederacy itself. Despite the slightly racist bias that runs through the portrayal of slavery, you can't help but feel compassion for the side of the torn nation that always gets the bad rap. Even this decidedly "yankee" reader was able to see why they say "the Confederacy never dies."

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