Monday, December 6, 2010

Advent & Christmas Cards

It's probably no surprise that I love Christmas. Over the last few years though my love for this time of year has increased as we started observing Advent. I love the longing and expectation for our risen Savior that is wrapped up in the observance and remembrance of His first coming. While the rest of our house is decked out in all the trimmings of the season, the simplicity of the advent wreath that sits on our dining room table is a reminder to me to not be distracted for the true reason we celebrate.

And another favorite part of the season? Christmas Cards! We got our first cards from friends this weekend, and I'm itching to get ours ready to send out. I'll confess I've been thinking about them since before Thanksgiving and planning out the perfect picture/card combo. Typically we have a snow picture from our time in NH the previous year to use, but this year we didn't have one that I deemed "Christmas card worthy."
So instead, on Thanksgiving day my sister graciously braved the cold and the wind to take our picture up at Wagon Hill. (Thanks Megly!). Now all that is to be done is to find the perfect card. This year we are using shutterfly, and I'll admit that with all they have to offer I'm having a hard time deciding. . .
I love the ones that open like a traditional card and leave space for a greeting inside, like this one.
And then of course, I have to decide if I want the traditional Christmas colors or the blues and browns that seems to be popular this year. (ohh, too many decisions!)
Ultimately, I think I have decided that I like the ones that scroll the greeting across the bottom. But which will we choose? I guess you'll just have to check your mailbox to find out!

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