Friday, January 14, 2011

The Shadown Proves the Sunshine

Ok, so already Project 52 has done its job. This week I most likely would not have taken the time to take any pictures if I hadn't known that I needed to post for project 52. This week's theme was "illustrate a song," so yesterday I set out to capture something (I would say on film, but really I guess it's on memory card- which just doesn't sound as poetic) while I walked the dog. Luke, who is normally very intent upon doing his own thing on a walk (I think that he sometimes forgets I'm there) was very patient with all of photography stops, and while I tried to get him to pose pretty for the camera, he would have none of it. oh well! I guess I have a whole 50 weeks left to capture a good picture of him.
So my submission for this week illustrates the song "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine" by Switchfoot (P.S. the video link to the song just happens to be from the concert Josh and I were at in Ventura).

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